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Top 5 FAQ


You will find the fee schedule under Downloads.

The exchange rates are set daily by Viseca Card Services SA and fixed once daily at the same time of day. When setting the exchange rate it takes the usual market sources as a guide. The exchange rate that Viseca Card Services SA sets for foreign currency transactions is more favourable than the banknote rate used for exchanging cash into foreign currency.

If you cannot reach an agreement directly with your contractual partner, you must notify Viseca in writing of any unjustified debit within 30 days of the date of the invoice (or of the card statement, in the case of a debit card), enclosing documentary evidence to this effect (e-mails, letters, details of phone calls, receipts etc.).

You can find our claim form here:

Objecting to a transaction

Under comprehensive insurance on hire vehicles, an excess normally applies in the case of damage or theft. The collision damage excess waiver covers any excess payable in the event your hire car is stolen or damaged; it is a supplementary insurance to the vehicle’s comprehensive insurance. Fully comprehensive insurance on hire cars covers your liability in case the vehicle is stolen or damaged.

All payments you make with your platinum, business or corporate card – whether shopping, at a restaurant, or booking a holiday – go towards reducing your annual fee. Once your credit card spending reaches a certain amount, your annual fee for the following year is reduced or may even be waived altogether.

You can find more FAQs under Support

We are at your disposal by telephone from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Business customers

Tel.: +41 58 958 84 01

Blocking service (24 hours)

Tel.: +41 58 958 83 83

If you have received a suspicious e-mail, please forward it to us at


Viseca Card Services SA
Hagenholzstrasse 56
Postfach 7007
8050 Zürich

Media office

Media office contact details
The media office provides media information exclusively to journalists. All request of our clients will neither be read nor forwarded by the media office.